Your Name Designation Phone Number Email Insitute/ University Name Website Url Chancellor's / Chairman Details Chancellor Name Chancellor Phone Number Chancellor Email Provide a detailed overview of the significant industry-academia collaboration initiatives that your institute has undertaken: Describe one successful joint research project that has resulted in significant advancements, and briefly highlight the impact of this collaboration: Highlight any research publications, patents, prototypes, or tangible outputs resulting from these collaborative projects: Provide details about industry-sponsored internships, co-op programs, or training opportunities available to students Mention the following Number of Industry internships availed by the students annually Number of Projects by students in collaboration with industry annually Number of Industry placements of the students Explain how your institute integrates employability skills development into the curriculum, and provide examples of relevant courses or modules: Provide examples of alumni events, reunions, or gatherings organized by your institute and their frequency: Share your institute's strategic plans for further advancing and diversifying industry-academia collaborations over the next 3-5 years: Is there any additional information you would like to provide to showcase your institute's dedication to fostering effective industry-academia partnerships? Send